Nationwide Rallies To Be Held In Protest Of Government’s Live Export Plan


Concerned citizens across New Zealand are uniting to resist the proposed rollback of the nation’s historic ban on live animal exports by sea. The government, facing pressure from industry lobbyists, is considering lifting the ban, raising serious concerns about animal welfare, New Zealand’s international reputation and the long-term prospects of our local dairy and beef industries.

“This ban was a landmark achievement for animal welfare in our country,” says Rachel Poulain, spokesperson for End Live Export NZ, “Its reversal would expose hundreds of thousands of animals to horrific suffering during long journeys at sea.”

Extensive evidence, including eyewitness testimony and voyage reports, paints a grim picture of the conditions these animals endure: cramped spaces, prolonged exposure to waste, unpredictable weather, and extreme temperatures, substantially raising the risks of injury, illness, and mortality. Issues like lameness, infected wounds, and heat stress are particularly prevalent on these voyages. Upon reaching their destination in China, there are no animal welfare laws to protect them.

“The majority of New Zealanders supported the initial ban on live export by sea, the only thing that has changed is the government,” says Elin Arbez, spokesperson for ELENZ. “A recent SPCA survey revealed that only 19% believe the ban should be lifted. The general public expects animals in this country to be treated with a high standard of welfare, and live sea exports appear to directly contradict this expectation.”

Monthly rallies will be held nationwide to protest the reversal of the ban, with the first to be held on Sunday 25th of February. Rallies will be held in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Napier, Hamilton, New Plymouth, Timaru, and Nelson.


More information on local events, and the issue of live export more broadly, can be found on the End Live Export New Zealand website:


End Live Export NZ