About the Movement to End Live Export

End Live Export NZ is a nationwide grassroots movement committed to ending live export by sea in New Zealand. We will not stop protesting until the practice is permanently banned.

This website is to help us connect, network, share resources, organise and advocate. Please join us!

Who are we?

The End Live Export NZ movement is made up of a diverse group of everyday Kiwis from all walks of life, including veterinarians, ethical farmers, animal lovers, animal welfare advocates and animal rights activists.

We are politically unaffiliated. We have no formal leadership structure. We are not funded by anyone. We are not paid to protest. Unlike the live export industry, we don’t have millions to spend on a propaganda campaign.

What we do have is something money can’t buy: the truth. We have the voyage reports. We have expert testimony from vets, farmers and welfare groups. The evidence is clear. Live export belongs in the history books.